2. Plotting Curves

2.1 Setting XY Datasets
2.2 Customizing Plots
2.3 Miscellaneous Features


2.1 Setting XY Datasets

Since a data file can contain several datasets, Inspect requires the xy datasets to be specified explicitly in the graphical user interface (GUI) or within a script after the data file has been loaded.

The To X-Axis, To Left Y-Axis, and To Right Y-Axis buttons are used for this purpose.

To perform the following procedure, download the following file by right-clicking and selecting Save Target As:

Then, follow these steps:

  1. Launch Inspect and load the IdVg_lin_des.plt file by choosing File > Load Dataset.
  2. Select the IdVg_lin_des data file from the top pane of the Datasets group box.
  3. Select gate from the middle pane.
  4. Select the OuterVoltage dataset from the bottom pane.
  5. Click the To X-Axis button.
  6. Select drain from the middle pane.
  7. Select the TotalCurrent dataset from the bottom pane.
  8. Click the To Left Y-Axis button.
  9. Move the legend in the plot area by placing the cursor on it and holding the middle mouse button.

You should see the IdVgs curve as shown in Figure 1.

Multiple datasets can be assigned to the same y-axis if required.

Gate outer voltage versus total current drain

Figure 1. Gate outer voltage versus total current drain. (Click image for full-size view.)

2.2 Customizing Plots

When the xy datasets have been specified and a plot is generated, the attributes of the plot, including the curve and its axes and legend, can be changed.

2.2.1 Curve Attributes

To change the attributes of a curve:

  1. Select the curve from the Curves group box.
  2. Click the Edit button.
    The Curve Attributes dialog box is displayed (see Figure 2).

Curve Attributes dialog box

Figure 2. Curve Attributes dialog box.

This dialog box has the following tabs:

2.2.2 Plot Area

To change the attributes associated with the plot area:

The Plot Area dialog box is displayed (see Figure 3).

Plot Area dialog box

Figure 3. Plot Area dialog box.

This dialog box has the following tabs:

2.2.3 Axes Attributes

To change the axes of the plot:

The Axes dialog box is displayed (see Figure 4).

Axes dialog box

Figure 4. Axes dialog box.

Each of the three axes can be selected and changed independently:

2.2.4 Labels

To add labels to the plot:

The Labels dialog box is displayed (see Figure 5).

Labels dialog box

Figure 5. Labels dialog box.

Any valid text can be used to name the label. In addition, you can specify the font and color of the label.

The label initially resides in a place close to the middle of the plot. To move it to a different location, with the pointer on the label, click the middle mouse button and drag the label to a new location.

To edit a label:

  1. Choose Edit > Labels > Edit.
  2. Click the label.
    The Labels dialog box is displayed.
  3. Edit the text of the label.
  4. Click Apply.

To remove a label:

  1. Choose Edit > Labels Remove.
  2. Click the label to be deleted.

2.3 Miscellaneous Features

In addition to curve-plotting functions, Inspect supports other functions that are designed to facilitate easy viewing and inspection of data. Most curve-related functions are located under the Curve menu; view-related functions are accessible from the toolbar.

2.3.1 Curve-Related Features

Curve-related features of Inspect include:

For detailed descriptions of these commands, refer to the Inspect User Guide.

Inspect main window showing Inspector dialog box

Figure 7. Inspect main window showing Inspector dialog box. (Click image for full-size view.)

2.3.2 View-Related Features

On the toolbar, several buttons can be used to enhance the view of the selected curve. The set of zoom buttons have standard functions and the order buttons can reorder plots and, therefore, change their visibility.

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