Sentaurus Process
1. Getting Started

1.1 Working With This Module
1.2 File Types
1.3 Starting Sentaurus Process


1.1 Working With This Module

Sentaurus Process is a highly flexible multidimensional process modeling environment. With its modern software architecture, it constitutes a solid base for process simulation. Calibrated to a wide range of the latest experimental data using proven calibration methodology, Sentaurus Process offers unique predictive capabilities for modern silicon and nonsilicon technologies.

In this module, you are guided through a series of examples of increasing complexity. The most widely used Sentaurus Process commands are introduced in the context of these examples.

The module discusses only arguments and options that are used in the given examples. For details about commands, refer to the Sentaurus™ Process User Guide.

A listing of the command file of Sentaurus Process is given at the end of each section in the form of an HTML link. You are encouraged to create a local copy of the command file from the browser (choosing File > Save As) and to run it. Some examples are given as Sentaurus Workbench package files. After creating a local copy, the files can be opened with Sentaurus Workbench.

1.2 File Types

The main file types used in Sentaurus Process are:

1.3 Starting Sentaurus Process

To start Sentaurus Process in interactive mode, type the following on the command line:

> sprocess

Sentaurus Process displays version and host information, followed by the Sentaurus Process command prompt.

[MKL_CNR] Changing from mode BRANCH_OFF to COMPATIBLE
***                          Sentaurus Process                           ***
***                          Version N-2017.09                           ***
***                         (1.0, x86_64, Linux)                         ***
***                                                                      ***
***                       Copyright (C) 1993-2002                        ***
***          The board of regents of the University of Florida           ***
***                       Copyright (C) 1994-2017                        ***
***                            Synopsys, Inc.                            ***
***                                                                      ***
***  This software and the associated documentation are confidential     ***
***  and proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.  Your use or disclosure of this   ***
***  software is subject to the terms and conditions of a written        ***
***  license agreement between you, or your company, and Synopsys, Inc.  ***

Compiled Wed Jul  5 20:11:52 PDT 2017 on tcadbld6

Started at: Thu Jul  6 14:25:12 2017 (CEST)
User name: letay
Host name: device3
PID: 18839
Architecture: x86_64
Operating system: Linux rel. 2.6.32-642.13.1.el6.x86_64 ver. #1 SMP Wed Nov 23\
 16:03:01 EST 2016

Checking syntax of n1_fps.cmd:

Commands can be now entered sequentially at the prompt.

To run Sentaurus Process in batch mode, type:

> sprocess input_fps.cmd

The command file is checked for correct syntax, and then the commands are executed in sequence until the simulation is stopped by the command exit or the end of the file is reached. Syntax-checking can be switched off with the command-line option -n:

> sprocess -n input_fps.cmd

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