3. Debugging Interface for Sentaurus Structure Editor

3.1 Using the Debugging Interface


3.1 Using the Debugging Interface

jEdit offers a debugging interface for Sentaurus Structure Editor. This allows you to send selected text from jEdit directly to Sentaurus Structure Editor, and to evaluate the text without having to continually switch between Sentaurus Structure Editor and jEdit to copy lines, as shown in Figure 1.

Debugging interface for Sentaurus Structure Editor

Figure 1. Debugging interface for Sentaurus Structure Editor. (Click image for full-size view.)

You have different ways in which to invoke the Sentaurus Structure Editor debugging mode:

Before starting Sentaurus Structure Editor in debugging mode, ensure that all jEdit instances are closed. Otherwise, the link cannot be established.

The customization package offers different debugging commands, available from the menu bar by choosing Plugins > Sentaurus Structure Editor:

The debugging command send next ignores comments at the end of the line. Placing the cursor above the following line:
(set a 1) ;; (set b 2)
and calling send next twice evaluates both expressions, setting a=1 (as expected) as well as b=2.

To enable shortcuts for the debugging commands, follow the steps in the Download and Installation Instructions section of the customization package:

In addition to the command file of Sentaurus Structure Editor, a mode for the CSV file required for the sdeepi Scheme extensions of Sentaurus Structure Editor is available. The mode contains all the global variables and helps to recognize columns by introducing alternating colors (black and red) for layer values in different columns.

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