1. Setting Up Sentaurus Customizations

1.1 Introduction to jEdit


1.1 Introduction to jEdit

TCAD Sentaurus users need a text editor to create command files for the simulation tools. Any text editor (such as GNU Emacs, NEdit, and gedit) can be used for this purpose. TCAD Sentaurus is shipped with a basic text editor called SEdit, which offers no TCAD tool–specific features.

In this module, you are introduced to the open-source text editor jEdit, which is extremely powerful and flexible, and very easy to use. Its most remarkable feature is that it can be customized easily to provide syntax highlighting and tool-specific macro support.

Synopsys has created a TCAD Sentaurus customization package for jEdit. This customization package enables jEdit to provide syntax highlighting, abbreviation support, and command insertion using a user interface for Sentaurus Process, Sentaurus Structure Editor, Sentaurus Device, Sentaurus Device Electromagnetic Wave Solver, Sentaurus Interconnect, Sentaurus Visual, and Inspect.

Sentaurus customizations for jEdit are distributed separately from regular TCAD Sentaurus releases. The customization package is distributed as an application note available from the Synopsys SolvNet® support site.

To download the customization package, go to:

Detailed download and installation instructions are available on the same Web page.

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