]> kolegite.com Git - vmks.git/summary
descriptionStudy materials for embedded systems programming at Technological school "Electronic Systems"
ownerVladimir Garistov
last changeWed, 27 Nov 2024 16:50:37 +0000 (18:50 +0200)
2024-11-27 Vladimir GaristovIMP: Small changes to timer simulation master
2024-08-29 Vladimir GaristovIMP: SPI digital pot example now works for both Arduino...
2024-08-29 Vladimir GaristovFIX: I don't actually remember what was wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2024-07-15 Vladimir GaristovFIX: Order of announces in belot example
2024-07-15 Vladimir GaristovFEAT: Added a SPI digital potentiometer example
2024-04-15 Vladimir GaristovMerge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:tues-embedded/vmks
2024-04-15 Vladimir GaristovFEAT: first working version of the belot simulation
2024-04-11 Vladimir GaristovUpdated Ghidra demo for the new version of Ghidra
2024-04-11 Vladimir GaristovMerge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:tues-embedded/vmks
2024-04-11 Vladimir GaristovWIP: FreeRTOS belot example, almost working
2024-04-08 Vladimir GaristovFIX: typo
2024-04-08 Vladimir GaristovFEAT: FreeRTOS Serial.print example
2024-04-08 Vladimir GaristovWIP: FreeRTOS belot example
2024-03-26 Vladimir GaristovAdded links to FreeRTOS resources
2024-03-26 Vladimir GaristovFIX: FreeRTOS blink example
2024-03-26 Vladimir GaristovMerge branch 'master' of https://gitlab.com/tues-embedd...
3 weeks ago master