1. Flux density range is 50-300mT. The hysteresis losses depend on the combination of the flux density and frequency. At high frequencies and high flux density the losses will turn out to be so high, that the heating of the core will exceed reasonable limits. Hence the peak flux density is limited automatically depending on the entered frequency. 2. Frequency range is 25-300 kHz. We see no reason for DIY to run faster due to higher switching losses and potentially worse EMI performance. 3. The winding fill factor describes what part of the core window is filled by the winding. The winding fill factor can be in the range of 0.1-0.35, depending on the size of the core, lower values indicate smaller sizes. 4. The current density depends on the cooling conditions and the size of the core. With natural cooling one should choose 4-6A/mm^2. If a fan is used, the current density can be set higher, up to 8-10A/mm^2. Higher current density indicates smaller cores. With artificial cooling, the allowed current density depends on it's intensity. 5. If regulation is selected, the calculation is made assuming minimal input voltage. Please note, that feedback is taken from the first output ONLY, so it is better if it will be the rail with the highest load. To improve the regulation for all rails together, try using the common choke. 6. The minimal current consumption value is necessary for the calculation of the minimal inductance for the output choke. For instance it can be the bias current of the amp etc. One should not set the value too low though, because it can result in high inductance. It might be hard to make an inductor for a high inductance, and a low minimal current, because one has to consider not letting the core reach saturation. 7. I suggest to let the program calculate the diameters of the wires and the number of the wires in the windings first to make the best of a given diameter. 8. To add a new core to the database, you have to enter a name. There is no need to manually add a prefix about it's form, the program does it automatically. 9. When adding a new core to the database, it is better to use the checkbox "Add to database (input data)". Please take the parameters from the manufacturer's documentation. The symbols mean the following parameters: Ae - Effective cross section area, mm2 An - Area of core window, mm2 le - Length of magnetic path, mm Ve - Volume of the core, cm3 In case the manufacturer's documentation misses the window area of the bobbin for the winding, calculate the area of the window yourself. The volume of the core calculated by the program. Core volume is the product of cross-sectional area of the core and the length of the average magnetic line. 10. If "Other" is chosen as the form of the core, please take the parameters from the manufacturer's documentation.